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The most frequently used herbs and spices in the Canadian cuisine

The most frequently used herbs and spices in the Canadian cuisine

herbs and spices in the Canadian kitchen
herbs and spices in the Canadian cuisine

The most frequently used herbs and spices in the Canadian cuisine is a topic that interests many people,either they are saisoned cooks or beginners in cooking and cuisine or even Canadian food lovers.

In today post,we will be pleased to introduce to you the most common herbs and spices one can find in every Canadian kitchen.

As a matter of fact,canadians love fresh herbs and spices and incorporate them in their own unique cuisine.

You know all the spices and herbs are the essence of each kitchen and cuisine worldwide.

Therefore ,Canadians interest much more in using herbs and spices to prepare their preferred meals and dishes.

To get a spicy,sweet,aromatic or a given taste and flavor,herbs intervene to give you all what you want based on the ingredients you use in you plate.}

The most frequently used herbs and spices in the Canadian cuisine :

Canada is a very diverse country that embraces immigrants from all over the world.Hence ,its cuisine is rich,diverse which means that Canadian plates and dishes are preprared with different spices and herbs coming from different parts of the world.

In canada,there are specific herbs and spices Canadians use to distinguish their meals and foods .

Here are the most used herbs and spices in the rich and gorgeous Canadian cuisine .
  1. Allspice
  2. Nutmeg
  3. Garlic
  4. Cinnamon
  5. Ginger
  6. Cloves
  7. Parsley

These spices and herbs are widely used in Canada,they are incorporated in a variety of dishes and plates in Canada.,including desserts,marinades,beverage....ect .

French Canadian cuisine is really fond of sour and sweet mixed food.

Canadians loves to use  unique herbs and spices in preparing their favorite foods and recipes.

In canada,we may find top and most famous dishes .

Top and most famous dishes and plates in Canada :

  • Poutine
  • Peameal Bacon
  • Beavertails
  • Split Pea Soup
  • Tire d’érable sur la neige (Maple Taffy)
  • Ketchup Chips
  • Nanaimo Bars
  • Pouding chômeur
  • Caesar Cocktail
  • Tourtière
  • Game Meat
  • Bannock
  • Butter tarts
  • Nova Scotian Lobster Rolls
  • Montreal-style Bagels
  • Saskatoon berry pie
  • Montreal-style Smoked Meat

These are the best and most consumed dishes and plates all over Canada.

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