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The 7 best hedge plants to grow for your outdoor privacy

The 7 best hedge plants to grow for your outdoor privacy

best hedge plants for your garden
best hedge plants to grow

The 7 best hedge plants to grow for your outdoor privacy is an interesting topic for every household.

Families nowdays are looking for more privacy as they want to do all their things in a private and secret way and this is their right of course.

As you know,good fences make good neighbors,but in reality fences do not look beautiful at all.

They may make houses and gardens look uglier .

So,the best solution for a perfect privacy and a beautiful view for your houses and gardens is to plant or grow hedge plants .

They add a very attractive landscape to your houses.

We’ve rounded up seven of the best hedge plants to beautify your house garden and give you the privacy you are looking for.

If you want to choose a shrub or a plant to be used as a hedge for your garden,the you should bear in mind that these hedge plants reach the highth and width you seek.Their foliage must be dense also to give a full coverage of your area.

The 7 best hedge plants to grow for your outdoor privacy :

Here are the best hedge plants that you can easily grow in your own garden :

  1. Camellia
  2. Arborvitae
  3. Boxwood
  4. Dwarf golden false cypress
  5. Flowering quince
  6. Glossy Abelia
  7. Holly

These seven hedge shrubs or plants are a real treasure in your garden for many raisons to consider.

They serve as a covered fence for your house and hence give you more privacy and freedom and they beautify your garden,house and surroundings.

Finally ,you can create your own privacy that you are aspiring for by simply growing these hedge plants in your sweet garden to boost your outdoor privacy and make your garden as your own paradise.


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