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The 6 most expensive herbs and plants in the world

The 6 most expensive herbs and plants in the world

The 6 most expensive herbs and plants in the world
most expensive herbs and food

The 6 most expensive herbs and plants in the world include a variety of herbs ,plants and fruits that are costly and fewer people can afford them.

Maybe,you have heard of Caviar food ,which is actually the world’s most expensive food at all.

Caviar is a luxury food for the rich, it is made from the roe, or eggs, of sturgeon fish.It is very rare and in high demand by rich people across the globe.

There are different species of caviar and the price varies according to each species.

We may find that beluga caviar  that costs 830 USD for 28 grams only.

However,in today article ,we are much interested in the most expensive herbs and plants in the world,including some fruits.

So,without much ado,I will give you the sixth most expenstive herbs and plants in the whole world.

The 6 most expensive herbs and plants in the world :

Here is a list of the sixth most expensive foods ,fruits and herbs or plants in the world.

1-White truffles :

White truffles or alba truffles are one of the most expensive mushrooms in the world.They are edible underground fungus .An ounce of white truffles cost more than $ 300.

2-Saffron herb :

Saffron is the most expensive culinary herb.This spice may be sold for $ 20 per gram.

3-Matsutake mushrooms :

These mushrooms are native to Japan and they are highly appreciated there.

They can cost as much as $1,000 per pound.

4-Kopi luwak coffee :

It is actually the most expensive beans coffee up to now.

A single cup of kopi luwak coffee can run you up to $100.

5-Dansuke watermelon :

Dansuke watermelon or black watermelon is one of the most expensive fruits in the world.

One black watermelon can run you up to $250.

6-Ruby Roman grapes :

Ruby Roman grapes  are very rare and exclusive.This variety of grapes grow only in Japan.

Ruby Roman grapes can go for $1,000 per bunch.

Finally,these are the most expensive foods,plants or herbs in the world.

Unfortunately,only the rich can afford them.

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