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10 effective natural herbs for bad breath

10 effective natural herbs for bad breath

natural herbs for bad breath
natural herbs for bad breath

10 effective natural herbs for bad breath is a very interesting subject to discuss as this is a big concern for all of us.

Bad breath also called scientifically halitotis is a major problem for many people in the world.

After waking up from bed ,you perhaps noticed sometimes that your mouth smells bad or a very disgusting smell coming out of your breath and hence that make you feel low and lose confidence.

In fact,the primay source of bad breath is the mouth or carries of teeth in which lives a bacteria that releases gas leading to this bad and unsupportable smell.

It is no surprise that bad breath results in eating different kinds of food,so bits of food remain behind in the space between you teeth.Some kinds of food like onion and garlic cause bad smell as they are digested.

smoking also can be a direct cause for bad breath in the mouth.

In today article,we will focus on natural herbs that help in traiting bad breath from the scratch.

10 effective natural herbs for bad breath :

Some herbs and spices have aromatic oils when we eat them .This may help in preventing the bad odor of mouth after eating onion and garlic for example.

In order to freshen your mouth and hence your breath after eating,make sure to use these herbs as a cleanser to your mouth.

  1. peppermint
  2. parsley
  3. cilantro
  4. rosemary
  5. thyme
  6. spearmint
  7. star anise
  8. cloves
  9. cardamom
  10. cinnamon
However,the use of these herbs is not always sufficient,so you have to follow a strict regime in your daily routine care :

Here are the most common practices that you can apply everyday to get a cleaner mouth and a fresher breath :
  • Drink water regularly
  • Clean your tongue and mouth
  • Clean your teeth and brush them after each meal
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Drink apple cider vinegar
  • Rinse your mouth with warm and salty water from time to time to kill bacteria in the mouth

Finally,you are all responsible for your mouth care and you need to use those herbs and apply these practices on a daily basis,certainly the results will be promising and you will no longer suffer from bad breath.


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